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Club Forms
Clubs often hold events and activities, all of which need to be approved by ASB first. These are the forms that need to be filled out. Please turn in each form to Ms. Mulcahy at least two weeks prior to the event/time of need.
Click on the title of each form to view it.
*For the purchase order form, please contact Ms. Mulcahy (
Purchase Order Form
If you plan on spending money for your club and want to be reimbursed, please fill out the P.O. form. They must be approved before you spend any money.
**Tip: Round up the amount that you plan to spend, just in case you spend a little bit more than you originally planned to.
(Ex: Chess Club plans to buy $250 worth of chess boards. On the PO form, they request $275.)
This form should be completed if your club wishes to participate in any extracurricular events.
These may include (but are not limited to) competitions, performances, and conferences. Activity Request Forms must be completed even for virtual events.
To hold a fundraiser for your club, you need to fill out a request form.
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